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Photo: © Maša Stanić 


from July 8 to July 12, 2024 

10.00 am - 5.30 pm




Scheibbs, Feldgasse 3



Early Bird: 280€/220,

after May 8: 320€/260€



In the “Sketches Orchestra” we’ll make music in a collective process. We will further develop your ideas, snippets or composition sketches in this band context, and face down all the challenges we might encounter on our journey to becoming a unified sound-body.


We’ll also talk about social structures, the many different roles you can take on within an ensemble, and what it means to give up control of your own music. 


Together we’ll think about playing strategies and try to find the essence of each piece. We’ll experiment with sounds and moods and concern ourselves with improvisation, groove and the tension between melody and bass line.


Through our work we will gradually get closer to one another and find a common language in music-making. Anyone with a solid basic knowledge of the instrument and an interest in various forms of musical expression is invited to take part.



When you immerse yourself in the Austrian music scene you’ll come into contact with Beate Wiesinger sooner or later. With a variety of projects, she’s been unerringly traversing a wide variety of genres for years and demonstrating her very broad musical horizons. Beate also founded the septet “e c h o boomer”, combining all of her interests and making something new along the way - something of her own, made of pieces from a wide range of musical influences and ideas.

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